Securing trademark registration is a pivotal milestone in business establishment, serving to distinguish your company and enhance recognition among partners, competitors, and customers. Beyond brand identification, a trademark acts as a robust tool for safeguarding exclusive rights to products and ideas originating from your company.

The trademark registration process, spanning approximately one month, necessitates a comprehensive set of documents validating the exclusive use of the logo for your company. This includes the trading license and a detailed list of goods. Additionally, the applicant must hold power of attorney. Notably, trademark registration is open to trade unions, companies, and individuals alike.


Prior to the commencement of business operations and the sale of goods, product registration is a mandatory prerequisite. In the UAE, this requirement is in place to counteract the promotion and sale of counterfeit products and to ensure stringent control over product quality. Compliance with Dubai Municipality regulations involves thorough label inspections on packages and testing product samples.

It’s crucial to note that product registration is exclusively facilitated by companies holding a valid trade license, which can be obtained either on the Mainland or within a Free Zone. This essential process aligns with regulatory standards to uphold the integrity of products entering the market.

Unlocking the Advantages of Product Registration:

Versatility in Registration

A diverse array of products can be registered in Dubai, excluding prohibited items.

Market Accessibility

Registration opens doors to import and sell registered products in the local market.

Regional and Global Reach

UAE product registration extends the freedom to operate not only within the UAE but across the entire GCC region and even on a global scale, accessible for both companies and individuals.

At IRADA, we offer comprehensive services encompassing Trademark and Product Registration, ensuring a seamless and efficient process for our clients.

We are committed to

Preparing the necessary documents for trademark registration in the Ministry of Economy.

Offering consultations on products that are eligible or ineligible for registration.

Conducting thorough checks on your product and all accompanying documents to ensure compliance with Dubai Municipality requirements

Formulating your product’s PIF (Product Information File) in adherence to regulatory standards.

Extending support throughout and beyond the registration procedure to ensure your continued success.